Character Listing
Here is a detailed list of all the characters in AdventRO. If yours is not listed here, please feel free to do so! We only ask you to follow the following organisation in order to keep the list clean:
- Ascending order (A to Z)
- First-name first, following with surname if possible
- Make sure the character is enlisted in order
How to add it properly?
It's very easy; go on your character's profile in the first place, see the website code up there? You notice it is with characters:character-name being the extension that leads to your character's page. Take the extension only and put it in the following code:
* [[[characters:character-name|Type Character Name Here]]]
Then go down to the list, find where your characters should be enlisted and put it there. No brains needed, just logic. ;)
No profile yet??
Just type in the name of your character to create his/her page. Remember to use all lowercase, and only use letters, numbers, and - (dashes). No spaces, periods or other symbols should be used. |
Character List
- Adelai Zargol
- Adrianne Deneph
- Alecto Della Corte
- Alexis Valentine
- Alisha Tufur
- Almaden
- Ankasamun
- Aqua Therinie (Patricia)
- Artóillsia 'Artie' Lantern
- Aurikyo Nekura
- Caim Efraim Grimroy
- Caranakh
- Cecona Domanin
- Chagrin
- Charles Nightshade
- Cloud
- Crossroad Frixie
- Curon Hifor