How to advance to the Dancer class.1
Dancers are the female versions of one of the support classes of RO (bards), although they have no healing magic. They have AoE spells that help allies and hinder enemy, which can benefit a party that stays close to the dancer.
You must be an archer at job level 40 to start the quest.
1. Find Bor Robin in the centre of Comodo and talk to him. He will warp you to the theatre where you can start the test
2. At the left of the stage, talk to Aire to apply for the job quest. She will ask you to bring some items and maybe zeny to cover the cost of the dancing school. There are 3 possible sets of items (and zeny) she might ask you to bring, refer to the list below.
- 10,000z
- Sticky Mucus x 20
- Red Potion x 5
- Jellopy x 3
- Shoes x 1
- 10,000z
- Earthworm Peeling x 5
- Boots x 1
- Clam Shell x 2
- Yellow Potion x 5
- Jellopy x 20
- Black Hair x 10
- Sandals x 1
Bring her the required list that she requests. She will then direct you to Bijou for a quiz and dancing test.
3. Bijou will ask a random set of questions:
What is the effect of 'Classical Pluck/Loki's Veil'? | Makes skills and magic unusable |
After you have finished using an Ensemble skill with a partner, what should you never do? | You tell the partner they did an insufficient job |
When a partner activates the incorrect dance what should you do? | Point out the mistake |
What is the name of the village where you can designate the change of your occupation to that of a Dancer? | Comodo |
How many caves are directly connected to Comodo Village? | 3 |
Which of the following is not able to be tamed? | Argiope |
Who is the best Dancer? | Bijou |
What is one of the main attractions of Comodo? | The Casino |
What is my name? | Bijou |
What is the effect of 'Lullaby'? | Makes all enemies asleep in a 9x9 area |
What is the effect of 'Dancing Lessons'? | The damage of whip type attacks are raised |
While doing this type of dance, you wear special shoes that make loud sounds. What is this type of dancing called? | Tap dance |
Choose the thing a Dancer cannot do. | Use a 2-Handed Sword |
What is the town where Dancers stay the most? | Comodo |
What person can perfrom the most beautiful dances? | Bijou |
The Dancer, in comparison with other occupations, has what advantage? | Dance Capability |
What is the Casino managers name? | Moo |
As for the item which the Dancer cannot equip? | Two-handed Sword |
Do you think this test is boring? | Give me more questions |
How many lighthouses exist on Comodo Island? | 1 |
4. Once you finish the quiz, it's the time to show her your dancing talent.
In this test, you have a chance to go onto the stage and dance. Bijou will warp you to the test area, you just have to enter the waiting room chatbox to wait for your turn.
This test will last for 1 minute. Once you get onto the stage, there will be announcements to tell you when to begin and what to do. You will have to move to various positions as instructed by the announcements.
Here are the notation explanations:
- [ < ] = Move to the left
- [ > ] = Move to the right
- [ * ] = Go back to the centre of the stage
- [ \/ ] = Move down towards the front of the stage
- [ /\ ] = Move up towards the back of the stage
There are the steps you have to perform during the test. Do them only when the announcement instruct you to
- # Up
- # Down
- # Left
- # Right
- # Centre
- # Stay in entre
- # Use 'Attention Concentrate' (Improve Concentration)
- # Left
- # Down
- # Right
- # Stay in right
- # Left, centre, right, up
- # Right
- # Left, centre, down, Up
- # Left, centre, down, up
- # Down
- # Left
- # Centre
- # Kill the monster using Arrow Shower.
When you are finished, talk to Bijou again and she will change you into a dancer. If you are at job level 50, you will get a Whip [3]. Otherwise, you will get a Rope [3].