Race Approval Template
This is the template for a race approval. You may only send an application after two (2) weeks of playing Advent as a human, orc, faerie or elf. When you send the application, paste the code below into a PM in the forums to either Sage or Atlus. Be sure that you send your application to the correct ST!
If you're not sure which ST takes what race, you can check here.
Just replace the line that says FILLERTEXT with your desired information.
[b]Character name[/b]: FILLERTEXT
[b]Race[/b]: FILLERTEXT
[b]Age[/b]: FILLERTEXT
[b]Skills/powers[/b]: FILLERTEXT
[b]Profession/occupation[/b]: FILLERTEXT
[b]Hair[/b]: FILLERTEXT
[b]Eyes[/b]: FILLERTEXT
[b]Height[/b]: FILLERTEXT
[b]Weight[/b]: FILLERTEXT
[b]Birthplace[/b]: FILLERTEXT
Brief description of my character's...[list]
[*][b]Motives & goals[/b]:
Race items: