
Already know how all of this technical jargon works? Here's the bare-bones links for those of you who are familiar with installing private servers:

Installing AdventRO on your computer is as simple as following the steps on this page.

  1. In order to play AdventRO, you must have the basic game files that come with Ragnarok Online. These files are acquired by downloading a program called Sakray. Sakray is a Korean program, but is necessary to play AdventRO. AdventRO is not in Korean; only the setup of Sakray is. You cannot use iRO, pRO or any other country's version of Ragnarok Online to play AdventRO. The version of Sakray that you should have installed is kRO Sakray 03-25-2009 (0325). AdventRO cannot run on older or newer versions (such as the Sakray Renewal Project).
  2. Once you have installed Sakray, download AdventRO from here.
  3. Open the .rar file. Extract the contents into where you installed Sakray; usually in C:/Program Files/Gravity/RO
  4. Download the newest update (only the most recent one released); the current one is Update Patch 24.
  5. Open the .rar file of the update and extract those files into the folder where the AdventRO and Sakray files are.
  6. Double-click the client, log in, and start role playing!
  • Tip: by clicking and dragging the AdventRO client starting icon with your right mouse button and dragging it to your desktop, you can make a shortcut to the AdventRO game.
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